• 19 июня 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Taganskaya koltsevaya station. We meet at the exit near bike rental spot

Rooftops and hidden yards of Moscow

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2286 дней назад
19 июня 2018 c 19:00 до 22:00
Taganskaya koltsevaya station. We meet at the exit near bike rental spot

Join us at amazing rooftop adventure!

First we are gonna visit the  Stalin building rooftop at Kotelnicheskaya naberezhnaya with the English speaking guide, enjoy the stunning view of Kremlin, Moscow river and Philarmonia.
Watching sunset at the rooftop is breathtaking! Time to make wishes and relax a bit after busy football life☺

Then we explore amazing hidden yards and streets of Kitay-Gorod — historical heart of Moscow. These places are super beatiful (especially after sunset)  not really touristic.

Our English speaking guide Mikhail will tell us stories about the places we visit and guide us to the rooftop (climbing there is safe!).
And I will share some funny moments from my travels (I traveled to 74 countries so I have so much to tell haha☺

The trip will take us 2-3 hours and then we can go to some nice bar☺

All you need to have is comfortable shoes and good vibes!


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